Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day Eight - Action September Burrowers.

Okay, so after going to the pub last night I had to bail on the two Che movies that were previously scheduled for the morning... Also The Moss was originally scheduled for today and it was pulled due to Chinese retardedness. However, the Moss screening was replaced with another screening of Thirst that I decided to watch again cause I missed the start the first time. After seeing it again, my opinion from the first time hasn't really changed... Now to the movies:



Mood Before movie: Ready to rumble.



I thought it might be fun to take my review of this movie and translate it into Korean and then translate it back into English for effect..... I think it helps:

-------English to Korean to English review-------
Action Boys is a documentary film that follows the lives of some crazy Korean stunt men As they finish stunt school AND go on to and in most cases and work on stunts.

This entire story in this documentary is told by a narrator and which made for a lot of subtitle reading, AND got quite annoying by the end of the movie. Also, there is little hope of keeping up with all of the characters in the movies and because their names are mostly only said by the narrator when there is multiple people on screen at the same time.

There was a few funny bits in this movie, mostly to do with these guys being pretty crazy AND over the top characters. If it comes on the TV it' s worth a look.

Rating: 2.5/5



Mood before movie: Like i'd just fallen from a building onto a crash mat.

Ass-o-meter: Gucci.

Never before have I seen so many girls and gay men in a cinema at once.... It really was quite amazing...

This film is a behind the scenes documentary about the making of the September issue (the biggest of the year) of Vogue magazine in the US. It closely follows the days of Anna Wintour, the bob haired ice queen, made famous by her fictionalised representation in the movie The Devil Wears Prada, in the months leading up to the release of the issue.

This film makes a few things clear, the fashion magazines have the entire fashion industry by their heavily groomed balls, and that Anna Wintour is a majorly over rated figure in the industry.

Seeing this film on the rack, I wasn't too sure if it was going to hold my interest for 2 hours, but after taking it to the change rooms and trying it on I can say that it did much more than that. The crew that made this documentary were given seemingly free reign behind the scenes (which I can only assume was a PR stunt as a result of the bad press generated from Devil Wears Prada) access to make this documentary, and the results were pretty great. This one is definitely worth a look.

Rating: 3.5/5



Mood Before movie: Tired (11:30pm start for this one)

Ass-o-meter: Like a burrower had numbed it in preparation to eat at a later date.

My first question after seeing this film is, why the hell did they even bother setting it as a western?? They could have just as easily have had this as a few guys out on a hunting trip in modern times and saved themselves the trouble of dressing up.

The Burrowers is a Western/Horror movie, which in theory sounds like it might make for an interesting mix. However, when the film doesn't really have anything particularly Western in it, and there really isn't any Horror to speak of, it turns out that it ain't so hot...

The plot of this film is simplicity filmonified, a family gets kidnapped, people think the Indians took them, people head off to Indian reservation to get them back, people don't make it to the reservation because they are being attacked during the night, the dwindling number of people figure out that it's not very scary monsters (that only attack at night) doing it, people run into some indians that know how to kill the monsters.... and that's about it. Boring.
Rating: 1.5/5

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