Friday, August 7, 2009

Day Fourteen - Or something close to that...



Mood Before movie: Energy at 0%

Ass-o-meter: fine.

The Hurt Locker is a film about an elite military bomb squad stationed in Iraq that get called into intense scenarios to defuse IEDs or suspected bomb threats that have been found by other infantry units.

I found this movie to be quite an experience, one like I can't remember having in a war film of late. Usually in war films I find myself getting decensortised to the violence and as a result disconnect from the experiences of the characters in the film. However, in this film there isn't all that much violence, instead there is an overwhelming intensity for the entire movie. It's this intensity that really puts the audience in the shoes of these soldiers, and gives you some feeling of what every hour of day while on the streets of Iraq.

I knew nothing of the Director of this movie (Kathryn Bigelow) before I saw it, and when the credits rolled I found out it was a woman (which was unexpected for a war movie, and she'd hate me saying that according to her IMDB info, but too late, I said it), and even weirder than that she had previously directed movies like Point Break and Strange Days...

I found this to be a very impressive film that brings fresh light to a subject that we have all been beaten senseless with by the media. Check it.

Rating: 4.5/5



Mood Before movie: Shaken, not stirred.
Ass-o-meter: (Avoiding a dumb joke)

Going into Hump Day all I knew about it was that it was about two male friends that decide to make a porno together.... After recently seeing Kevin Smith's thingo and whoseywhatsit make a porno movie my hopes for this film were very very low. However, I was surprised by this one...

Hump Day was made with a very low budget (ie. The director wrote the movie, produced the movie, played a character in the movie, and was the 'b' camera operator), only requiring a hand full of characters and a few HD cameras to make, but at no point in the movie did I ever really notice any of this. The characters in the movie are all so naturally played that it seemed like the words weren't scripted at all... and to get two heterosexual male characters to the point of agreeing to do something like this in a believable way was quite a feat. Well played *clapping*, well played...

Rating: 3.5/5

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