Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day Five - Brutal


Mood Before movie: First movie of the day, feeling pretty solid.

Ass-o-meter: The entire bottom half of my body was numb by the end of this.

Imagine being trapped in a car for about a week with a really boring french guy that told really boring stories about people killing other people in a really boring way, and you're some of the way to understanding how annoying and boring this movie was...

The ass-a-meter was off the scale in this movie and one of my comrads fell asleep for a good portion of it. I don't really feel like I should even bother going on further, other than to say, save yourself 2 hours of your life and don't see this film.

Rating: 1/5



Mood Before movie: Hurting.

Ass-o-meter: 1 x box of ACMI ass ache c/o Wile E. Coyote.

This film was made in Singapore. It has a fat ex-magician in it. It has a little kid in it also. The fat ex-magician likes alcohol. He drinks alcohol a lot. Sometimes he drinks alcohol till he falls on his face and spews on the ground. The ex-magician needs money so he starts doing circus side show acts in the bar where he works. He hurts himself. The boss likes seeing people getting hurt, so he beats the poop out of the magician and gives him money for it. The magician runs away with his son and dies. The end.

Lets never speak of this again.

Rating: 1.5/5



Mood Before movie: A world of hurt.

Ass-o-meter: Hurting like a guys face with an axe in it.

Van Diemens Land is based on the true story of 8 convicts that tried to escape the Maquarie Harbour penal settlement in 1822.

If you like movies about pink bunny rabbits that play in the park and have fun with their friends, then this is probably not the movie for you. However, if you like really slow, brutal and harsh movies about 8 guys trying to escape a convict prison with no supplies or hope, then you're in luck! When you first start watching this movie you could be mistaken for thinking that it will become part of the high school history syllabus, until you realise that the whole film is solely about guys smashing each others heads in with axes and then eating each other....

This film brings a whole new meaning to the saying “you snooze, you lose”.

Rating: 2/5 (I'm being nice cause it's australian)



Mood Before movie: In a universe of hurt.

Ass-o-meter: Full recovered - Awesome.

This documentary was made by Ondi Timoner, who also made the DiG! Documentary. It covers both the life of Josh Harris, a crazy, eccentric, deluded, ego manic, visionary, experimental artist, ex-millionaire, internet media mogul turned psychological techno-experimentalist, and the role of technology in the future our lives.

Josh Harris' life is one that prior to seeing this documentary I would have only thought existed in myth. The guy made 80 million dollars at the time of the Dot Com boom through a couple of big new media ventures that were way before their time, and then blew all of that money on a couple of insane (and very large scale) human experiments/art projects thats only measure of success seemed to be directly proportional to their level of failure...

From the Q&A session after this film, i'm happy to say that Ondi really gets it, her vision for this film and it's commentary on the future of peoples lives and technology is a very important and relevant one. Amongst my movie watching comrads this definitely stirred up the most conversation and debate out of any film that we have seen at the festival to date. I would highly suggest that you check it out.

Rating: 4.5/5 (saved the day)

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