Thursday, July 23, 2009

Inglourious Changes

I have to say that I don't envy the job of the Festival Organisers this year. There seems to have been a lot of last minute changes to the programme that i'm sure kept them up at night...

The latest change being Ken Loach's Looking for Eric being replaced by Sam Mendes' new film Away We Go. I'm not too upset about this cause Sam Mendes has a pretty solid record of making good films.

You might also note that my list does not contain the gala opening of Quentin Tarantino's new film Inglourious Basterds (with special guest Q&A session with Quentin Tarantino). Those in-the-know might say, "Well, those tickets sold out in 30 seconds, so I guess you just weren't committed enough to get up at 11am and play fastest-fingers-first with a bunch of movie nerds". Well, to those 'in-the-know' I say, "Shut the fuck up, I was one of those nerds sitting there at 11am, and I pressed the button and got one of those coverted gala tickets..................." only to find out 3 days later that you also have to hit the Checkout button before the ticket gets registered on your Passport... and if you leave a ticket in limbo land for some magical length of time the ticket that you sat at your work desk staring into the browser for an hour to get would just disappear.... like that.... gone.... Inglourious Fail.

So, here is a list of 11 things that I will now never get to do with Quentin Tarantino:

1. Bring Peace to the World.

2. Clown Around.

3. Win badass trophies.

4. Sing show tunes.

5. Do a Broadway number.

6. Lay down some Jazz Hip Hop Improv.

7. Eat Donuts.

8. Dress like ladies.

9. Drink manpagne and look like Andre the Giant.

10. Suck on Hookerz toes.

11. Get punched in my face by his manager....

I'm tearing up here....

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