Monday, July 27, 2009

Day Three - A light strole through the park.

A light day today, only two movies on the list.



Mood Before movie: Uncomfortable.

Ass-o-meter: I'm sorry Dave, but the Ass-o-meter is offline.

Going into this movie, I knew that it was directed by the son of David Bowie (Duncan Jones). So I was fully expecting it to be a case of “Daddy, can I have 5 million dollars to make a movie?”, “Sure son, you're the gonna be the bestest director in all of the galaxy.”, type of deal. However, after seeing it, I have to eat the words that I didn't even say out loud... Kind of like one of those little throat vomits...

The movie is about Sam (Sam Rockwell), who in the not so distant future, is living on the dark side of the moon where he solo-mans a Helium-3 mining station. In the future the Helium-3 is harvested from the Moon and used back on Earth to run fusion reactors which in turn provide power for the whole planet. After three long years of working at the station, his contract has finished and he finally gets to go home to his family.... Or does he?.... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNNN.

Anyway, whilst very obviously drawing from many classic sci-fi movies of the past, including 2001 A Space Odyssey and a couple more that I wont mention (spoilerz), this film managers to have an air of freshness to it. Most of which can be attributed to the very impressive performance by Sam Rockwell. Sam in his usual way plays a likeable character that you can immediately warm to, and this is certainly part of what kept me invested throughout the movie.

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. The themes in a lot of cases have been done before, but this time with a fresh twist.

Rating: 4 Ziggy Stardusts.



Mood Before movie: Recovered.

Ass-o-meter: Lower back was getting a bit funky.

The name White Night Wedding comes from this movie being made in Iceland, where it stays light for 24 hours a day during summer (still looked pretty cold to me). The movie is kind of like a Romcom, but minus the Rom and with not a great deal of Com. Picture Four Weddings and a Funeral, on a small island of the coast of Iceland, only with 3 less weddings, and you're starting to get the idea.

Another interesting thing about this movie is that it's the highest ever grossing domestic film in Iceland.

This film had a bit of a dark edge about it, that slightly stifled the comedy a bit. Also, it jumped around a in time which at first was a little confusing, but some would argue that i'm easily confused, so this really isn't a big deal. I think in the end, I found it a bit difficult to really warm to the characters in this (ie. Needs more Hugh Grant). It was nice to see a well trodden romcom/dramedy type of scenario get some Icelandic treatment though.

Rating: 3/5

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